Thursday, 17 October 2019

Laymen understanding of QMS

QMS is Quality Management System, which contains a set of documented Processes, Templates, Guidelines and Checklists.
The Objective of QMS is to document generic (Common and applicable to all) processes across the Organization and to establish controls on defined Processes.
A simple QMS can be in a folder comprises of multiple Sub-folders to provide room for individual department to define their processes.
In absence of QMS Products or Software Projects will execute on it's own. Say, If we have 5 Projects, Some projects will get success and some gets fail. We can not be able to maintain the same of level of performance for the two projects from the same customer. That is when we do analysis on projects went well and projects went bad and we will get a set of good practices from the successful project and Bad Practices from the unsuccessful ones.
Now let us say we just asked teams and not documented lessons learnt anywhere, and for some time people remember them and work on projects effectively. later they tend to forget or if the person leaves our organization and new employee joins, The new Joiners may commit the same previous mistakes and end up with similar disaster. Here we have risk of loosing customer permanently and we will loose our business reputation.
Let us consider the case we have written all the inputs from projects and we are maintaining a running workbook for all practices. This is called Documentation. Now one new Joiner came, the first thing we do is we will ask him to go through this work book first. There are less chances from new employ to commit the similar mistakes.
Ok..Now we are not sure whether that new employee went through all the documented list. To ensure his reading we will conduct one test. This is called Control.

Here is another scenario Ok we have documented all our business activities best practices and we are executing everything smoothly. All of sudden there is a sudden surge in attrition(People moving out of company), We will think why and ask persons why they are leaving.
First person said,
I am not satisfied with the work which is assigned to me... Here comes project management process
Second person said,
I am performing well and I have not considered for promotion and I got very less hike... Here comes HR Process
Third one says,
I am not happy with the facilities. Desks which we work on has pests, Rest room maintenance is bad, No cleaning, No Tea, etc., etc, all comes here is facilities and administration processes.
Fourth one says,
My code which I worked from past 6 months wiped out in one night. Our server management is bad and I need to start from the beginning and the deadline is next month. Now IT admin process comes to our plate.
Now as a Old employee of the organization I am feeling bad for the employ exits and convinced management to solve all these issues. First I will search for any common best practices across the firms to address these issues. I will get all the solutions from external companies and documented them all, Implementation and of them across the projects and maintaining the same would be additional task. This is called QMS.
We have an International Standard for QMS which is applicable from Plastic industry to Aviation Industry called ISO 9001 which is generic and can be application to almost all industries.

Similar to ISO 9001, we have specific standards to address to some critical Industry needs.
ISO 27001: Information Security Management System
ISO 13485: Medical Devices Quality Management System
ISO 14001 : Environment Management System
ISO 50001: Energy Management System
ISO 22000: Food Safety Management System
ISO/TS/IATF 16949 : Automotive Quality Management System
ISO 22301: Societal Security-Business Continuity Management Systems

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